"New Materialisms" Group at UIUC this Fall
For those of us at UIUC who need another materiality fix on Monday nights - a mere three hours after our seminar on Bodies and Rhetoric ends - the Unit for Criticism and Interpretive theory is sponsoring a seminar/reading group entitled "New Materialisms" (upon linking, scroll down or select "seminars" at the top of the screen). It meets on five Monday nights throughout this semester.
The rationale for the group relates to what we discussed yesterday - the group wants to move away from conceiving bodies merely as sites of discursive production and consider how subjectivity might be conceived after reading in several fields, including physiology, science studies, and "(alternative) philosophical traditions." They will even be reading some Massumi and Grosz like our seminar, so I imagine there will be some crossover and those of us working in cultural, rhetorical, and writing studies could offer the group additional perspective.
The rationale for the group relates to what we discussed yesterday - the group wants to move away from conceiving bodies merely as sites of discursive production and consider how subjectivity might be conceived after reading in several fields, including physiology, science studies, and "(alternative) philosophical traditions." They will even be reading some Massumi and Grosz like our seminar, so I imagine there will be some crossover and those of us working in cultural, rhetorical, and writing studies could offer the group additional perspective.
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