Edible Body Bread

Kittiwat Unarom (Thai artist) Bakes Edible 'Body Parts' Bread
"He hopes his realistic artwork will make people ponder whether they are consuming food, or food is consuming them."
"Along with edible human heads crafted from dough, chocolate, raisins and cashews, Kittiwat makes human arms, feet, and chicken and pig parts. He uses anatomy books and his vivid memories of visiting a forensics museum to create the human parts."
More excellent photos: http://www.kirchersociety.org/blog/?p=920
Quotes and photos:
This is utterly amazing. Reminds me a little of the "HuFu" that was going around for a while (tofu allegedly flavored to taste like human flesh... you know for all of us who were curious about what human flesh tastes like, but were too afraid to do anything about it).
It may be a scam, as the site was yanked this summer, but you can read about "hufu" on wikipedia.
Wha, just bread? Not a deep-fried fetus?
For the eating of actual human beings, see this piece of performance art:
Written about, too, in the journal _Positions_:
"Considering Huanjing: Positioning Experimental Art in China" by
Thomas J. Berghuis (Volume 12, Number 3, Winter 2004
Special Issue: Intersections: Issues in Contemporary Art
Guest Editor: Joan Kee)
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